Investment management based on innovation, insight and analysis.

Discover how GlassBead drives performance.

GlassBead Capital Management serves sophisticated high-net-worth and institutional investors seeking differentiated U.S. equity exposure. Our track record of identifying and investing in transformative companies has produced strong absolute returns since inception.

Why invest with us

A clear point of difference

Our investment process combines analytical rigor coupled with creativity and innovation. We use data-powered fundamental and technical analysis, backed by proprietary tools that allow us to evaluate more thoroughly the potential for gain and loss.

Our Investment Approach
Your risk

A foundation of efficient risk management

Rigorous risk management helps us build portfolio allocations that we believe have the potential to provide the most return for the least amount of risk. We use a number of indicators help us determine the state of the overall investing environment and signal when tactical changes may be needed. These indicators, in conjunction with our strict sell discipline, are designed to help us preserve capital during sustained market downturns.

Asset Management

"At GlassBead Capital Management, our mission is to generate consistent above-market returns by investing in companies seeking to dominate and disrupt their industries. We’re good at finding and unlocking this value"

- Jean Josse, President, GlassBead Capital Management

See what a different level of specialized investment management can do for you.